Pix and Stuff
  The Beginning | Visual Stuff | Reach Out | Photoalbum  

Visual Stuff... :+}
Just a few things...  Just a few folks...  Just a few laughs...

Sexy Pic
hrmmm I could do that... I THINK

Queen and "Tanglefoot"
SING IT BABY!!! woohoo!!!!

Just me....
Nice new smile!!

What more is there to say

And you thought YOUR cubicle was small........ :+P

Tanya and John... Isn't she gorgeous? :+}

The Wiccan Rede...

Look!! It's a Pestilence!!!!

Tattoos!! YEA!!
Mine was a Christmas Gift...
Someone LOVES me

He is just so cute and quiet....
One of these days, I am gonna embarrass this guy!!!! :+}

EEeeewwww Wizzer, pickin his nose.....

LOOK! It's Pocahontas!!!

Can you believe it? Even a Queen needs to pee..... :+P

Smokin' Baby
THIS is how you smoke too much
pot around your kids.....

Queen, light'n up.... :+}

Sea Lions need pedicures too... :+}
Mark, diving at Seal Rock in Laguna Beach, CA
Feb. 5, 2002

Sea Lion SO CUTE!!
Just another pretty face to add
to the others on this site :+P
Laguna Beach, Feb. 5, 2002

I've had this for a long time...
Lotta love went into it, hope you like it...

:+} :+}
2 thumbs up!! Play that game!!!

oh my, EPIK